Vale Steve Woods

I wish to advise that long-time member of the Ipswich and Brisbane Greyhound Racing Clubs, and immediate past President of the Ipswich Greyhound Racing Club Steve Woods passed away peacefully this morning.

Steve was a popular and respected member of the greyhound racing fraternity, having been an active participant in the industry for over fifty years. A builder by trade, Steve’s skills were often sought after by fellow trainers to undertake work at their properties.

As President of the Ipswich Greyhound Racing Club from October 2023, Steve led the final stages of the amalgamation of the Ipswich and Brisbane Clubs, ensuring that the vote of Ipswich members was overwhelmingly in favour of the amalgamation. Steve was elected to the inaugural Committee of the Queensland Greyhound Racing Club by Ipswich members, but sadly was unable to continue in the position due to illness.

On behalf of the Committee, Management and Staff the Queensland Greyhound Racing Club, I wish to pass on our sincere condolences to Steve’s family and his partner in life and greyhounds Kerri-Lyn Harkness on the loss of Steve.

Steve Woods is a man who will be missed.

Luke Gatehouse